Clifton Hill House, University of Bristol

10-11 July 2017photo of conference venue


Keynote Addresses

An Incomplete Enlightenment
Professor Janet Radcliffe Richards (Oxford)

Sentimentalism and Realism in Epistemology and Ethics
Professor Peter Railton (Michigan)


Submitted Papers

Justification Incorporated: A Discursive Approach to Corporate Responsibility
– Eva Buddeberg (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) and Achim Hecker (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)

Explaining the Paradox of Hedonism
– Alexander Dietz (Southern California)

Personal Value, Biographical Identity, and Retrospective Attitudes
– Camil Golub (NYU)

The Explanation Proffering Norm of Moral Assertion
– Mona Simion (Oslo)

Judgment Internalism: An Argument from Self-Knowledge
– Jussi Suikkanen (Birmingham)

Moral Uncertainty for Deontologists
– Christian Tarsney (Maryland)

Moral Advice and Joint Agency
– Eric Wiland (Missouri – St Louis)