photo of Glasgow University Union buildingUniversity of Glasgow

17-18 July 2019


Bridie Library, Glasgow University Union


Keynote Addresses

Deliberation and Fetish
Professor Nomy Arpaly (Brown)

The Value of Competition
Professor David Owens (Kings College London)


Submitted Talks

Does Stereotyping Constitute Discrimination?
– Erin Beeghly (Utah)

First-Personal Trauma Narratives and the Demands of Empathic Listening
– Zoë Cunliffe (CUNY Graduate Center)

On the ‘Badness’ of Being Unforgiving
– Simone Gubler (Texas, Austin)

Generic Moral Grounding Claims
– Julian Jonker (Pennsylvania)

Moral Constraints on Gender Concepts
– Nicholas Laskowski (California State, Long Beach)

Moral Deference and Moral Speech Acts
– Max Lewis (Pennsylvania)

Why Epistemic Reductionism won’t save the Moral Error Theorist
– Alex Murphy (Cambridge)

What is the Question to Which Anti-Natalism is the Answer?
– Nicholas Smyth (Fordham)


Poster Presentations

The Repugnant Conclusion and Quality of Life
– Christopher Cowie (Durham)

Making Peace with Moral Imperfection: the problem of temporal asymmetry
– Camil Golub (Rutgers-Newark)

Prostitution and the Good of Sex: a reply to Settegast
– Natasha McKeever (Leeds)

A Feminist Critique of Feminist Metaethics
– Stephen Ingram (Manchester)