Annual Conference (online, 11th-13th July 2022)
Keynote addresses
Prof. Pamela Hieronymi (UCLA): Making Excuses and the Blame Game
Prof. Kieran Setiya (MIT): Human Nature, History, and the Limits of Critique
Submitted talks
Lucia Schwarz: Nonnaturalism, Morality’s Normativity, Ineffability, and Metaphors
Nicholas Smyth: The Return of the Philosopher-King: Conceptual Engineering, Consequentialism and Social Authority
Andrew Peet and Eli Pitcovski: Holding onto Grief
Moya Mapps: Getting Personal: A Feminist Perspective on Philosophical Methodology
Kristen Hine: Is it Permissible to Select Abortion When Ectogenesis is an Alternative?
Owen Clifton: Contractualism and Non-Identity
Patrick Butlin: Well-being, agency and the individual evaluative perspective
Bart Streumer: Superspreading the Word